Access Point: Meet the Panelists | Rosita Green

Could you share a little about your background, how you got your start in healthcare, some of the roles you’ve enjoyed, and the scope of your current role at Luminis?

I am patient access professional with over 2 decades of experience. My first position in healthcare was a receptionist in a plastic surgeons office. Along my career path I have been a Medical Secretary, Insurance Verifier, Analyst, Trainer, Pre-Access Supervisor, Access Manager and Director.

My current scope of responsibility as the PAVE Director at Luminis is to lead a remote team to obtain authorization, complete insurance verification, department collaboration, standardize policies, procedures, performance strategies, budget management and employee training.

We’re really looking forward to having you join our panel on prior authorization in July – what is one aspect of prior authorization that your team is either finding particularly challenging at the moment, or looking to improve on at this time?

Several aspects of prior authorization that my team is finding particularly challenging are:

1. Requesting authorizations/notifications via Fax for payers without websites/portals

2. Requested authorizations sitting in pending status for over 2-3 weeks

3. Extremely long hold times when attempting to contact the payers

One part of the authorization process that we are trying to improve is how to handle add-on procedures which require authorization.

We really appreciated you attending our February meeting and are so happy to have you joining as a panelist in July; could you share with the audience what you enjoyed about the previous meeting and what they might look forward to by attending this program, from your perspective?

I really enjoyed the format of the discussions held during February’s healthXchange meeting. The topics were engaging and the panelists helped provide actionable solutions. The Q&A and chat sessions provided a high level of interaction.  

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