Setting the tone for each module, keynote panelists represent innovative changemakers in healthcare finance who have transformative stories to share and whose paths focus on driving continual improvement across hospitals and health systems. Each opening panel is 60-minutes in duration and will feature a moderated discussion with 3-5 panelists representing an array of experiences, facility sizes and locations. To maintain audience engagement, polls and questions will be used throughout the discussion, as well as an opportunity for attendees to join the stage for Q&A at the end of the session.
Each panel will include between 3 and 5 panelists from differing organizations, representing a variety of types of health systems and facilities, to ensure a broad range of perspectives and experiences. With an intention of establishing the theme of each module, the opening panel will cover a number of the most pressing related challenges, at a high level, focusing on strategic planning, operational efficiencies and leadership dynamics.
To ensure a smooth running panel, the moderator will lead the session throughout, posing questions to the panelists, sharing questions from the audience via text and video, keeping the conversation on topic, on time, and ensuring all voices are heard. The role may be occupied by the headliner sponsor, or may be represented by a neutral industry leader, such as an industry association leader.
Ahead of the program, panelists will be asked to partake in a pre-event rehearsal (20-minutes) where they will have an opportunity for a brief meet-and-greet with the other panelists, a discussion the core themes being covered, selecting lead responders for each area of discussion, and conducting a technical check of video and audio equipment. Prior to the rehearsal, panelists will be provided with the biographical summaries of each other as well as key talking points for reflection.
With panelists and attendees all having access to biographical details, we ask that panels spend very little time on introductions, instead using the time to engage in the bulk of the conversation alongside integrating the audience into the conversation. Panelists should be encouraged to share their name, role and organization, and one key passion that they bring to the topic. This should be less than 1 minute per panelist.
As each core theme of the panel is progressively covered, the selected first responder will kick off the conversation covering their perspective or story related to the topic, with other panelists then encouraged to share their viewpoints related to the subject. Additionally, should other panelists have questions regarding the responses to any of the other panelists, or wish to dig deeper into the question, they are encouraged to ask follow up questions, continuing the dialogue.
Maintaining the attention of the audience is an important aspect of any presentation, but even more relevant when hosting meetings digitally, where audience engagement can wane. To keep eyes on screen, we recommend incorporating 2-3 polls or questions during the panel, which the audience can answer and then have panelists reflect upon. We also encourage the panel to allocate 10 minutes at the conclusion of the talk to take questions from the audience, either by bringing audience members on stage (with access to their video and audio), or by answering questions submitted via chat. Taking the chat function a step further, audience members are encouraged to up-vote questions they think are of most importance.
Using the digital event platform powered by Hopin and supported by StreamYard and Kahoot! integrations, panelists will be invited into a backstage green room which will open 15 minutes prior to the start of the panel. Within the digital greenroom, final checks of video and audio will be conducted with healthXchange staff and any final questions can be asked or submitted for the panel. The healthXchange show caller will handle all technical aspects including enlarging the video stream from the presenting panelist, cueing any pre-arranged polls or quizzes as well as bringing any guests onto the stage during the Q&A period. HealthXchange production staff will also filter questions submitted via the chat function and put them onto the screen at the appropriate time for the moderator and panelists.
A thoughtful approach to leadership panels including selection of a range of panelist perspectives, strong leadership, direction from the moderator, and behind the scenes support from healthXchange staff ensures panels run flawlessly.