Live digital events for healthcare revenue cycle executives provide a focused and collaborative platform for knowledge share and the creation of meaningful connections and community. 

  • Live Digital Events
  • Meaningful Content
  • Engaged Community


The healthXchange provides a digital destination for healthcare revenue cycle leaders seeking curated content highlighting the success of industry peers in improving the financial health of their organizations. Regular live events, hosted digitally with participants from across the Nation, provide an inclusive platform for discussion, debate, and collaboration, creating connections between peers and industry partners with a focus on working toward the goal of improving revenue cycles and financial performance.


Patient Access Fall 2024

Patient Access: Standard Processes, Comprehensive 
Scheduling, Technology Enablement
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Despite considerable investment and effort to streamline processes, enhance staffing, and integrate new technology, patients and providers continue to face challenges in patient access, resulting in delayed or denied care, reduced reimbursement and collection rates, and frustrated patient consumers. The combination of registration and eligibility errors, inaccurate or untimely estimates, lengthy prior authorization requirements, and many other administrative burdens are all weighing on the access function and require targeted intervention. Strategic and visionary leaders are charting a new path for patient access that combines centralized approaches to scheduling, registration, eligibility verification, prior authorization, estimates, and collections, with the leverage of new and existing technology platforms that integrate automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

Revenue Cycle Excellence: Denials Mitigation
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Across the country, hospitals and health systems continue to face rising rates of payer denials, causing financial hardship that hinders innovation, throttles investment, and in many cases, reduces access to patient care. In response, organizations are forced to divert scare resources towards managing denials and reimbursement roadblocks, draining operational capacity of revenue cycle teams and compromising fiscal stability in an environment where margins and staffing are already a paramount concern.

Revenue Cycle Excellence: Denials Mitigation

RCM Staffing: Balancing Automation, FTEs, and Offshoring
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Hospital and health system revenue cycle teams continue to grapple with staffing challenges, with leadership considering new strategies to alleviate the mounting pressure on revenue cycle operations. From optimizing training and retention initiatives to build a strong, skilled revenue cycle team, to the integration of AI and automation to reduce administrative tasks, to establishing partnerships with offshore revenue cycle teams, organizations must consider a combined approach to addressing high levels of competition across the market. Through sharing lessons learned in these three critical areas, the meeting will equip attendees with a comprehensive toolkit to overcome staffing shortages, drive efficiencies, and optimize revenue cycle performance in an increasingly challenging landscape.


Revenue Cycle Management Automation and Analytics

Revenue Cycle Management: AI, Automation & Analytics
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Hospitals and Health Systems across the country are integrating automation and data analytics solutions into revenue cycles, creating greater efficiency in workflows and allocation of human capital, as well as generating deeper insights into revenue cycle performance. While these solutions, whether home-grown, off-the-shelf or fully-customizable can produce cost and time savings, challenges abound in aligning solutions with organizational priorities, selecting vendors that are best suited to meet the needs and budget, in addition to hurdles in installation, and utilization. Revenue cycle executives must also adopt leadership styles that embrace change management and continuous improvement, and maintain a close eye on monitoring performance and return on investment.

Revenue Integrity: Optimizing Compliant Reimbursement
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Improving charge capture accuracy, claims audits and root cause analysis, executives responsible for revenue integrity are analyzing greater levels of claims to identify and shrink revenue leakage, ultimately reducing denials, write-off’s, and shortening A/R timelines, maximizing net revenue. Facing challenges including a shifting payer environment where policies and rules frequently change and are highly inconsistent, to increasing compliance risks with investigations of coding and billing, to staffing resource constraints, revenue integrity executives find themselves in great need of industry collaboration, and the opportunity to share best practices and practical solutions.


The Access Point Series features clips from the Patient Access: Foundation of the Revenue Cycle online programs, as well as interviews with Patient Access leaders from hosptials and health systems across the Nation, focusing on solutions to shared challenges including registration and eligibility verification, prior authorization, patient estimates, point-of-service collections, and more. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to never miss an episode!



The Denials Digest Series features clips from recent online events where the issue of denials reduction has been addressed, as well as interviews with revenue cycle leaders from hospitals, health systems, and physician practices across the Nation, focusing on identifying common payer denial trends, executing denial management programs, monitoring payer contract performance, and continuous denial monitoring. Subscribe to the YouTube channel to never miss a new episode!




2023 Revenue Cycle Trends Trends | White Paper
Over the course of 2023, the healthXchange hosted several hundred revenue cycle executives during our online meetings, through interactive discussions, and lively conversations with panelists and audience members alike, there were three concerns which transcended all groups.

2023 Patient Access Trends | White Paper
The healthXchange team gathered patient access leaders from more than 100 organizations over the course of 2023 to discuss the challenges and opportunities their teams face in ensuring access to the right care, at the right place, and at the right time.